The Hoboken Shelter, established in 1982, is owned and operated by the Communities of Faith for Housing, Inc., a non-profit housing corporation made up of ministers and laity from houses of worship, as well as several Hoboken community leaders.
Mission Statement:
The Hoboken Shelter’s mission is to be a community partnership that transforms lives by providing meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and services to support people to become housed.
The Hoboken Shelter’s goal is to assist homeless men and women in developing the skills needed to gain employment, achieve independence, and re-integrate into the community. The ultimate goal is to end homelessness one person at a time!
Brief Description:
The Hoboken Shelter takes a holistic approach to helping people in need. It shelters 50 people nightly, serves 530 meals daily, and provides such support services as case management, counseling, job & life skills training, creative arts workshops, emergency homelessness prevention grants, & permanent supportive housing solutions.
Since 1982, The Hoboken Shelter has served over 2.5 million meals and provided shelter to over 500,000 men and women and has also referred thousands of individuals to permanent housing as well as to alcohol and drug treatment programs through an extensive network of linkages with other organizations.
Volunteer Opportunities:
It is only with the support of our generous volunteers that we can continue to further our mission of being a community partnership that transforms lives by providing meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, & services to support people to become housed.
Dinner in our Soup Kitchen EVERY NIGHT:
We need help with the dinner shift in our soup kitchen. Dinner is served at 7:15pm nightly to our hungry & homeless neighbors. There are several ways to help with this meal:
Prepare & Serve Dinner: Individuals are welcome to stop by any evening from 6pm-8pm to prepare & serve dinner, sort & distribute canned goods & clothes, clean the facility & grounds, fold sheets & towels, and inventory & stock supplies. You don’t have to call ahead if you are 1-3 people, but you must call ahead to schedule a group of 4 or more volunteers. Please call MILLIE to schedule the volunteer shift for your group of 4 or more volunteers—please note that the maximum size for a group of volunteers during the dinner shift is 10 people.
Host Dinner for 100 Guests: Individuals & Groups are welcome to prepare home-cooked meals for our Guests. Meatloaf is their favorite! Please call MILLIE to schedule the volunteer shift to host & serve your delicious dinner.
Donate frozen meats such as turkeys, hams, or meatballs. Donations can be dropped-off from 9am-9pm daily.
Sponsor Dinner for 100 Guests: You can donate $300 to cover the cost of dinner in our soup kitchen. Please drop-off or mail checks, money orders, or cash to JACLYN’s attention. This is very much needed & truly appreciated!
Volunteers need to dress casually, wear a hat, & wear closed-toed shoes.
Please report to the Kitchen Staff when you come to volunteer.
Our entrance is down the wheelchair accessible ramp on 3rd Street.
If you’re interested in hosting dinners or coordinating a group of 4 or more people to volunteer, please call MILLIE to schedule your group. The best time to call her to review our volunteer calendar is from 9am-5pm, Mondays-Fridays, 201-656-5069.
The maximum size for a group of volunteers during the dinner shift is 10 people.
You don’t have to call ahead if you are 1-3 people.
Check-In & Like Us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter & Instagram. The Hoboken Shelter’s accounts are Facebook: facebook,com/hobokenshelter, Twitter: @hobokenshelter, & Instagram: @hoboken_shelter.
Lunch/Showers Program, Sort Clothing/Food Donations, & Workshops on WEEKDAYS:
On weekdays, we serve a delicious hot lunch, distribute canned goods & clothes, & provide showers to our unsheltered homeless Guests. Volunteers are welcome to come & help from 11am to 3pm on WEEKDAYS. We need help setting-up for lunch & showers, which includes sorting canned goods & clothes to be distributed at 12pm; setting the tables, preparing food, & serving lunch at 1:30pm; & cleaning-up by 2pm.
We welcome volunteers to participate in our daily workshop with a round-table discussion with our Guests from 2pm-3pm. The Guests are interested in learning about your job, specific duties & responsibilities in your position, & any particular skill set or education needed to become employed in your profession.
This volunteer shift is a great opportunity for corporate groups to build collegial relationships for co-workers while they give back to the community. Please call MILLIE to schedule your group. The best time to call her to review our volunteer calendar is from 9am-5pm, Mondays-Fridays, 201-656-5069.
The maximum size for a group of volunteers during the lunch shift is 15 people for a scheduled group.
You don’t have to call ahead if you are 1-3 people.
Lunch Volunteers are needed on Weekdays ONLY (not on Saturdays & Sundays)–we can NOT accommodate Lunch Volunteers on Saturdays & Sundays.
Make, Wrap, & Deliver Shelter Guests’ Daily Sandwiches EVERY DAY:
50 brown-bagged lunches are needed daily for our Shelter Guests to take to work, school, programs, & job-searching. We always appreciate the delivery of sandwiches that individuals & groups thankfully take the time to make, wrap, & deliver. Some companies do this during their staff meetings as a morale-building activity; some fraternities & sororities do this as a large group activity; & some parents & kids do this as a family activity. Any kind of sandwiches are appreciated, but our Guests prefer meat-based sandwiches. You don’t have to call ahead because we welcome donations of 1-1000 sandwiches from 9am-9pm daily.
Barbers EVERY DAY:
Professional haircuts are always needed!!! We need your skills to help our Guests look good while they are job-hunting. We can schedule this on weekdays during our Lunch/Shower Hours &/or on the weekends during our Men’s Group on Saturdays & our Women’s Group on Sundays.
Culinary Arts on WEEKENDS:
Professional Chefs Wanted!!! Volunteers are welcome from 3pm-5pm on Weekdaysto teach Guests the techniques of food preparation, the art of food presentation, & the business of the food industry. We need your help to teach our Guests these employable skills & how to cook nutritious & delicious meals on a budget.
Vocational, Resume Writing, & Job-Searching on WEEKDAYS & EVERY NIGHT:
Volunteers are welcome from 3pm-5pm on Weekdays & from 6pm-7pm nightly to help Guests with vocational issues, especially developing interview skills & job-searching tips. You don’t have to call ahead, but please check-in with the Case Manager & the Kitchen Staff when you arrive at the Shelter.
Mentoring / Tutoring / Brain Games / Workshops EVERY DAY:
Shelter Guests appreciate your time shared with them with a simple conversation. Volunteers are welcome nightly before dinner from 6pm-7pm to Mentor, Tutor, & Play Brain Games (Chess, Checkers, Scrabble, Dominoes, etc.) with our Guests. You don’t have to call ahead, but please check-in with the Case Manager & the Kitchen Staff when you arrive at the Shelter. Please bring games. If you would like to lead our WORKSHOPS with our Guests, we welcome motivational speakers to present important issues & lessons on the following topics:
Financial Literacy Workshop aka “Money Mondays” on Mondays: 2pm-3pm. Banks & Financial Professionals Needed!!!
Visual Arts Workshop on Mondays: 8pm-9pm.
Social Services Workshop on Tuesdays: 2pm-3pm.
Health & Hygiene Workshop on Wednesdays: 2pm-3pm. Medical Professionals Needed!!!
Creative Writing Workshop on Wednesdays: 8pm-9pm.
Job & Employment Issues Workshop on Thursdays: 2pm-3pm. Professionals Needed!!!
Current Events Discussion Group aka “Hot Topics” on Fridays: 2pm-3pm.
Men’s Group on Saturdays: 2pm-3pm. Motivational Speakers & Barbers Needed!!!
Support Group on Saturdays: 3pm-4pm.
Housing Workshop on Saturdays: 4pm-5pm.
Women’s Group on Sundays: 2pm-3pm. Stylists for Hair & Make-up Needed!!! ZUMBA is their favorite!!!
Spiritual Discussion Group on Sundays: 3pm-4pm.
Music & Movement on Sundays: 4pm-5pm. Musicians, Choirs, or Yoga Instructors Needed!!!
Collect Donations of Food, Supplies, & Toiletries EVERY DAY:
Donations are welcome from 9am-9pm daily. We use the following supplies on a daily basis: 850 cups (with 600 for coffee!); 850 napkins; 650 plates; 250 bowls; 50 rolls of toilet paper; 5 rolls of paper towels; 5 boxes of tissues; 3 large bottles of hand sanitizer & 50 Garbage Bags (55 Gallons size).
Please check out our Wish List on AMAZON.COM to purchase & ship donations directly to the Shelter. We need your help to coordinate a collection of the following:
Food Donations:
Frozen Meat (Turkeys, Hams, Meatballs)
Instant Potatoes
Marinara Sauce
Fruit—Especially Bananas
Supplies Donations:
Paper/Plastic Plates
Hot/Cold Cups
Plastic Utensils—Especially Forks
Hand Sanitizer
Laundry Detergent
Garbage Bags (any size)
Postage Stamps
Toiletries Donations:
Shaving Cream
Wash Cloths
SOCKS—Guests walk an average of 14-miles/day!
Fundraise EVERY DAY:
Since it only costs us $2 per meal, every little bit really helps! Please ask your family to give donations to the Shelter in lieu of gifts for your special occasions. Please host a party and have your friends bring donations for the Shelter. Please make & sell items like lemonade & donate the proceeds to the Shelter. Please have your company host raffles at their parties to benefit the Shelter. Please sponsor dinner in our soup kitchen with a donation of $300. (You can mail donations to JACLYN’s attention—THANKS!!!)
Thanksgiving & Christmas HOLIDAYS:
We welcome all volunteers to make these holidays a special time for our Guests. You must CALL & Register at 201-656-5069. We expect a bountiful amount of volunteersto share in the spirit of the holidays. Volunteers are welcome from 6pm-8pm. We look forward to your help with: serving meals, treats, & refreshments; sorting clothing & food donations; socializing with our Guests; coordinating our newsletter mailing; & making these special evenings for our Guests!
All Holiday Volunteers NEED to bring DONATIONS: Plates, Cups, Napkins, Plastic Utensils (especially Forks), Coffee, Sugar, & Milk.
Please note that we will NOT authorize students’ volunteer hours on Thanksgiving & Christmas.
$10 Panera Gift Cards & SOCKS are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Please dress casually, wear a hat, wear closed-toed shoes, & look forward to having a good time!
PLEASE NOTE that we do NOT host COURT-ORDERED Community Service Volunteers.
During EVERY volunteer shift, make sure to SIGN-IN in our STUDENT VOLUNTEER LOGBOOK for Community Service Hours for School or Religious-Purposes ONLY— No Court-Ordered Community Service Hours can be performed here. These hours need to be supervised & authorized with INITIALS IN THIS LOGBOOK by the Kitchen Staff at the end of EVERY SHIFT. Please note that we will not authorize students’ volunteer hours on Thanksgiving & Christmas. Following your tenure of service, YOU need to make arrangements to present your documentation to the KITCHEN STAFF for the official approval. If your school does not provide a form, then YOU have to write the letter for his/her signature because we do NOT provide these letters. Please be advised that YOU are responsible to schedule this in advance of your deadline & need to coordinate it with any of the Kitchen Staff to verify your hours in our Student Volunteer Logbook & sign-off on your paperwork. This can NOT be done via email/ online/ mail/ phone.
Kitchen Staff are generally scheduled from 6pm to 8pm nightly. All Student Volunteers NEED to bring DONATIONS: Plates, Cups, Napkins, & Plastic Utensils (especially Forks).